Saturday, 27 December 2008
Friday, 26 December 2008
Santa's Been
Monday, 22 December 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
Ill doesn't even begin to cover it!
I knew there was a good reason against taking your youngest to Mother and Toddler groups. Amy and myself have been struck down with the mother of all lurgies.
Yesterday morning I went out early into town to get some silver shoes for Ana, as the school had dumped it on my the previous evening through that wonderful medium the home school diary, that she would be requiring 'fancy' shoes to wear with her fairy costume for the school play for Friday dress rehearsal.
This is the same flipping play that they have been rehearsing daily since, oh I don't know, June!
So why wait until Wednesday to tell me she needs shoes?
Anyway twittering on as usual, it was quite cold, misty and frosty that morning and I noticed my chest was feeling tight and breathing was an effort. I shrugged it off as my Asthma playing up due to the cold damp air. Myself and Amy were completely fine until about 10pm last night when I was struck down with a raging fever and thumping headache.
Amy didn't fair too well ever and we both experienced a night of fitful sleep. Of course I use the word sleep in the loosest possible sense.
Today we have existed mainly laying on the sofa watching Playhouse Disney and only moving to drink, pee or take medicine.
But look on the bright side I have at least 12 days to get over it
Friday, 5 December 2008
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Monday, 1 December 2008
No, no, no!
Thursday, 27 November 2008
The art of Ferreting
Amy has developed a habit of ferreting down the back of her nappy with her hands. Requests for her to stop was met with.
'No, they hiding!' They being her hands of course.
The ferreting continued until yesterday when she warmed up for a good old ferret and got her fingers covered in poo (which she tried to discretely wipe off on the table!).
I haven't noticed any ferreting manoeuvres at all today.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Today I traumatised my youngest
We went into Slough to do a spot of shopping and this year they have a huge walk in groto in the shopping centre were you can meet Father Christmas and have a photo taken.
Amy was really excited about meeting the man in question so in we went. We oooohed and ahhhhhed at the fairy lights, anatronic animals and fake snow.
At the end of the walk a lady elf asked, 'Is there anyone here who wants to see Santa?'
'ME! ME!' Squealed Amy.
'Knock on the door and see if he's ready.' Said Mrs Elf.
Amy knocked on the door and went in.
'HO! HO! HO!' Boomed Father Christmas.
Amy's face paled and she shot up her dad faster then a ferret after a rabbit.
She cried, screamed and sobbed that she wanted to go home and wouldn't even say thank you for her present. While she was perfecting her strangle hold on daddy's neck Mrs Elf asked, 'So you don't want a photo then?'
Afterwards Amy told me, 'Father Christmas has a scary beard and I don't want him saying Ho Ho Ho!' I asked her what she would do on Christmas Eve when he comes to deliver her presents.
'I don't want any presents!' *sniff*
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Potty Time!
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
AGH! Big Mouth!
She's rather miffed that she doesn't get to go.
Seeing this as a chance to move potty training along a little bit I told Amy that she would have to learn to do a pee on the potty before they would let her go to school.
'They won't let you go to school in nappies.' I say.
'THEY DO AT MY SCHOOL!' bellows Ana.
Back to square one then
Friday, 24 October 2008
Money, money money!
Yesterday The Insolvecy Service resorted our faith in Government Departments. After telling us that we should expect to wait 6-8 weeks for seeing the faintest hint of anything currency like they paid Vinnie within 4 weeks.
So now to the task of getting back to normal!
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Sunshine in October
Well after one, two, THREE months of waiting they have finally flowered! Not the huge yellow blooms I had expected, but still beautiful none the less. Adding a bit of sunshine on the greyest of October mornings.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Friday, 10 October 2008
Toddlers and Eating
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
On the road to Happy
Friday, 26 September 2008
Difficult times are ahead
Thank you very much here's a letter now off to the jobcentre with you.
I suppose that's life really and it is happening to many people up and down the country, but to wait until 4 days until they're due to pay you is a bit of a bugger as those last days are always tight.
I have had a little cry, got past that now. I have phoned everyone and told them they won't be getting their money this month.
We're all alive and the kids are healthy and that's more important really, isn't it.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Charlie, Barley and Mo
Not great picture quality, but they just wouldn't hold still!
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Monday, 8 September 2008
1st Anniversary!
Thursday, 4 September 2008
The 'other' use for those charity bags that come through the door.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Richard Hamalton's summer job? A bus driver in Maidenhead
Saturday, 23 August 2008
My baby is no longer a baby! Big bed time.
At two years old I thought we still had a fair while before we transferred Amy from the cot to a big girls bed. That was until my DH phoned me in the middle of town to announce that he had purchased a bed plus mattress for Amy and it was being delivered that afternoon.
As Amy is likely to be my last child a tiny part of me, well, okay a rather large, quivering part of me wanted to cling desperately onto the last strands of her babyhood.
Que me rushing to get home before the bed and forgetting 99% of the stuff I went into town for in the first place. We remembered the balloon animal tiger that the clowns were selling in the street today. Most important thing I think you'll understand.
I get home and five minutes later two men man handle a ready-made up bed into my hallway where they refused to take it upstairs and told me I would have to dismantle it and do it myself. I really didn't fit in the hallway so at the risk of eyes being gouged out it had to move.
Several sweaty hours, scratched walls and swear words later I manage to get the bed upstairs and reassembled in Amy's room. After having dismantled the cot. It looks odd and Amy's room is now teeny tiny. I had to rearrange the furniture to fit it in. Oh and on a positive note Amy has learnt to say 'Oh c**p!'
I was all geared up for a terrible evening attempting to keep Amy in her new bed via the use of bungee straps. But the little stinker was out like a light!
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Yes, we went swimming again!

Friday, 15 August 2008
After the rain comes the sun, and some rainbows too.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
I'm a fish, I'm a mermaid!

Thursday, 7 August 2008
Dear Weatherman

Dear Weatherman,
Yesterday and in fact today you said that it was going to rain, not just rain but precipitation of monsoon proportions for Thursday and indeed most of the week.
It was because of this information that I cancelled a picnic due to take place in the park to alleviate summer holiday boredom. Also it was decided that, as it was going to bucket it down from our waking hour until we slipped soundly off to sleep to a lullaby of raindrops beating on the windowsill, I would not water the plants in the garden.
Please forgive me if I seem a little confused to you, as we have been basking in glorious sunshine for most of the day. It even became so warm at one point I was forced to refill the paddling pool.
So there we have it, a perfectly fabulous day, wasted!
Paddling Pool Fun!
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Fun with magnetic letters!

Monday, 4 August 2008
Sunday, 3 August 2008
A Rainy Day At The Beach
Thursday we decided to take the girls to Bournemouth Beach for a treat. It was just a shame that it did nothing but rain when we got there, still a good time was had by all.
Getting there on the train wasn't half as bad as I expected it to be. We left Maidenhead at 09:10 and arrived at Bournemouth Station at 11:30. Of course finding the seafront wasn't nearly as simple. I couldn't believe that such a major tourist attraction wouldn't be signposted straight from the station.
However we found it in the end just in time for the heavens to open! It was still quite warm so we decided to brave it and get to making sand castles.