The last time I had my hair cut was when my eldest daughter (11 years) was 2 weeks old and I was 18!
Today I finally bit the bullet as it where and had it done.
So I have gone from hair that was to my bum to hair just below the shoulder. I think I was a bit of a novelty at the hairdressers as I was asked lots of questions about how I managed to wash/brush my hair and why I hadn't had it cut in over ten years (never got round to it).
I had to stand up for most of the cutting to save the poor stylist's back.
They even had trouble washing my hair as it filled the sink My head feels a lot light and I am really happy with my new managable cut. I even have a new found confidence because my hair looks nice (not like a bird's nest or matted dog hair, I was beginning to look like what you pull out of the bath plughole)
An added bonus, no more kittens swinging from my hair!