Dear me,
I know you feel like you don't fit in right now, most teenagers feel the same, That feeling of being on the outside looking in will never ever leave you, but as you get older that desire to be on the inside with everyone else will fade. Your differences are what makes you, 'you' and the people that really matter in your life will love you for that. Do not change for anyone.
Bullies don't matter, no-one has the power to make you feel bad about yourself, except yourself. The bullies are not restricted to school or childhood. You will have the pleasure of meeting several childish vacuous individuals during your life, but you don't have to make them part of it.
You will find love, many different kinds and all in different and interesting places. Your children will mean the world to you and prove to you just how strong you can be.
You will learn which bridges to cross and which to burn. Don't let the past haunt you, it's in the past. You will make many bad choices, but that is all they were, bad choices. Learn from them and move on, do not give them the power to stop you living your life. Chances are the only one still thinking about it, is you.
Above all, you
*can* do it. Ignore anyone who dares to say otherwise.
The happy self you never thought you'd have.
If you have written a letter to a younger self, please link up and share.