Thursday, 16 December 2010
Writing Workshop - Childhood Memories

Wednesday, 15 December 2010
The Gallery - Sparkle
If you would like to see more entries for The Gallery, please click here.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday
The picture below is for Shadow Shot Sunday over at Hey Harriet.
Not the greatest or most awe inspiring picture but I love the way mid-morning winter sun elongates shadows, making us all into giants.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
The Gallery - White

This week's theme for The Gallery over at Sticky Fingers, is white.
For the past few weeks large areas of the UK have been blanketed under several inches of snow. Schools closed, public transport ground to a halt and panic buying ensued.
Here in Berkshire we escaped pretty unscathed, yet Thursday we had the dreaded fall out. A total of 4 mm of snow. As you can see my cat Charlie O'Marley from The Paw Relations blog was less then impressed with Mother Nature's glittering show.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday - Lola Fannola
The picture below is for Shadow Shot Sunday over at Hey Harriet. Lola Fannola from The Paw Relations in shadow.
To see more entries for Shadow Shot Saturday, please click here.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
The Brutal Honesty of Children
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Writing Workshop - Let's Get Lyrical

Darkness. It started with darkness and silence. Silence punctuated only by the sound of shuddering breath. Movement was painfully stiff, muscle screamed as he tried to sit up but something solid prevented him. Fumbling blindly he tried to paint a picture of his surroundings with his hands, his fingertips brushed against the rough wood imprisoning him. A box? No a wooden casket!
How long had he been unconscious? How much air did he have left? Minutes? Seconds? His brow furrowed as he tried to cut through the thick fog enveloping his mind. The past played back to him in fits and starts, flashes of fleeting moments. The moment of his capture flickered before him before the image faded and died, only to be replaced by the next. Visions of torture, of tight bindings and endless questions flooded his mind until he was stood once again in the cold misty acres of a New York cemetery.
Headstones scratched warped shadows into the moonlit sky, reaching relentlessly towards the heavens. A chilling breeze swept across the ground swirling and churning the mist about his feet as he stared into the yawning hole before him. He didn't remember shivering against the cold, in fact he didn't remember feeling anything, just raw emptiness.
"Take a good look around you." the voice came hot and thick against the bare skin of his neck. "You won't be seeing anything again anytime soon."
He didn't hear much more after that. A brilliant white pain exploded through his head before his world was swallowed into the boiling swells of darkness.
Buried? Alive? Placing the palms of his hands against the lid he tested for weakness. The wood complained bitterly but could not coaxed to move more then a few centimetres. There had to be at least six feet of compacted earth against the casket lid. Even if he did break through the lid, he would be sure to drown in the cloying dirt before being able to claw himself to freedom. His hand knocked against a small object laid upon his chest. Grasping it tightly he rain his fingers over the smooth hardness before finding a small crack that ran along most of it's length, separating it into two interlocking sections. A cell phone? Scraping his fingernails against the top section he attempted to pry it open. An unnatural light flooded the casket, bathing him in an eerie glow it banished the darkness to the furthest corners where it bubbled furiously. He stole a glace at the time in the right hand corner of the display. Minutes to midnight.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
The Gallery - Celebrations

This weeks theme for The Gallery over at Sticky Fingers Blog, is Celebrations.
"Weddings, birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, divorces, first jobs, first pregnancy, proms, you name it."
The picture below was taken Christmas Day in 2009 around mid morning after the noisy and excitement of present opening and chocolate for breakfast.

It's a picture of the relative lull, the peace and quite before the big lunch. Amy playing with her Mega Blocks Father Christmas had not long wrestled down the chimney. To me a perfect picture of Christmas.
To view more pictures in The Gallery please click here.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Social Decay
The building above used to be a large and vibrant Community Centre that not only offered a Youth Club and Parent and Baby group but pottery and art clubs for adults. It has now been closed, boarded up and left to decay. There are rumours that the building itself will be converted into flats. So more community without a centre to provide for them.
Sadly I believe that this sight will become all the more common with the recent cuts and proposals. We will all witness the social decay of our community
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
The Gallery - Black and White

This week's theme for The Gallery is Black and White. I love black and white photography, more so then I love colour. I feel you get a much greater depth of detail and emotion with black and white. There is nothing I love more then getting out there with my camera and experimenting with the black and white function.
As ever I have mixed results most of the time but there are occasions, usually by accident, when I take a photograph that I am extremely pleased with. Below are two examples of such photographs.
I wish I could state that it was simply skill, but it's really more a case of being in the right place at the right time.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Eco-Unfriendly - Are we frightening our children?

Would this be the same electric that is produced by burning fossil fuels per chance?
Friday, 15 October 2010
Fishy Friday
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
The Gallery - My Favourite Photos (and why)

This week's prompt over at Sticky Fingers is Favourite Photo. An almost impossible task and I am going to be especially cheeky during my first dip into The Gallery and show you two of my most favourite photos.
But the above has to be my all time favourite photograph, taken on 16th August 2010 and titled Fairy Princess. It is a black and white portrait of my youngest daughter Amy. A lovely day spent messing about in the sunshine with my camera and a very agreeable model. Who could ask for more?
Wordless Wednesday (Almost)
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Good Grief!

There are times in my life when I swear. No, when I know that I must sound like Charlie Brown's teacher to others.
When I speak, what leaves my mouth is a series of intelligent words strung together to form sentences. The very basis of language, a language we all understand. Yet when it reaches the ears of my husband and children, it has along the way mutated somehow into.
'Wah wah waah wawah wah wah wah waah wawah wah wah'
If the video doesn't load watch it on Youtube here.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Herding Cats - Happy Inside

If like me you love cats, then you'll love the Ikea television advertisment featuring them. The brain child of Mother London Ad Agency.
"The idea behind the work is that cats know better than anything what makes them feel happy inside, they live their lives in pursuit of their own comfort," said Feh Tarty, creative director at Mother. "So we released a hundred cats in to the Ikea Wembley store, for real, to see where they went and what furniture made them happy."
If the video fails to load, please watch it here.
If the video fail to load, please watch it here.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
The Elephant of Truth

My youngest daughter, Amy, is four years old and loves to insert sayings and phrases she hears into her everyday conversations. Today she heard me mention to her dad that there was an 'element of truth' in what someone was saying.
Later she ended a conversation with myself by saying. 'There's an Elephant of Truth in the room.'
He must have been very small. I couldn't see him.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Dear Second Born,

Your ever loving mummy xxxx
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Writing Workshop - Time

For this week's Writing Workshop, I decided to write a poem for the theme Time.
The inspiration behind this poem is the loss of my grandfather three years ago and the fact that, to me time is very much like a cat, in the way that is does as it pleases. This is the first piece I have written about personal experience as I usually write 'disconnected' fiction and fan fiction.
Enjoy and again any comments that can help me develop my writing are always gratefully received.
Time is a crying creature, crouching poised to fight
Sliding through the shadows and dancing in the light
Time is here to hunt us, trapped in her claws so tight
Time is a slender creature, stretching in a gentle sway
Stalking through the darkness and pacing out her prey
Suddenly silently, snatching precious ones away
Time is a cordial creature, kindly soothing tears
Warming up the memories and purring in your ears
Gliding through the twilight, chasing all your fears
Time is an aging creature, slowing in her gait
Greying at the corners and bidding us to wait
Reminding us so sweetly, we can't escape our fate
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
The other main food group.
What is it with children and eating foam, seriously? Does it taste good? Is it the interesting texture or something subconscious to replace an element lacking in their diet? Who knows.
All I know is the foam eating stage of childhood is currently under going a revival in my home.
Someone and I have my suspicions who, has currently chomped their way through the handle of the toddler trampoline, the padding on the net supports of the large trampoline and the scooter handlebars.
Odd, very odd indeed.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Quite why...
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
New Beginnings
First is Mr and Mrs Blue Tit, who decided to take up residence in a hole that used to house the overflow pipe for the upstairs toilet. Ana and Amy have enjoyed watching Mr and Mrs Tit's comings and goings and during the periods where they could actually stand still and quiet for longer then two seconds, they were able to hear the chicks calling in the nest.
Between them Mr and Mrs Tit raised two clutches of baby Tits. All of which have left the nest to start their new lives out in the big wide world. We're a little sad to see them go, early morning toilet visits now seem so quiet without the chittering of chicks.
Mrs Wood Pigeon
Next is Mr and Mrs Wood Pigeon, who have decided to build a nest in the small tree that grows in our back garden. Their nest is a recent discovery made by Ana. We didn't have pigeons nesting there in the previous two years, so we suspect that Mr and Mrs Wood Pigeon are first time parents.
Mrs Wood Pigeon is currently incubating her clutch of two eggs and will do so for the next 17 - 19 days. Mr Pigeon is a frequent visitor, bringing her food, offering company and the latest wood pigeon gossip to keep her morale up. Sitting in a tree all day must be terribly boring.
After hatching the chicks should fledge in 33 - 35 days.
Then starts the near impossible task of keeping the cats out of the garden.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Writing Workshop - Wanton Destruction and Chaos

This is my first attempt at The Sleep Is For The Weak Writing Workshop after the advice of a my friend Nickie from Typecast I decided to submit a recently written poem. As ever I am trying to develop my writing skills, so any feed back with be most appreciated.
Blood, that of my own or my enemies
It doesn't matter, it runs as one
Clothed in thunderous rage, warm slithers trickle
Caressing my body, drenching my soul
It whispers softly to me, feeding my aggression
Cleansing, soothing, the pain runs with it
Thick and black against the ebbing darkness of my mind
The dull metallic scent sears my senses
Wounding, piercing, bitter as bile
The blistering steel hisses, shrieking a perverse lullaby
It sings sweetly to me, drudging fetid flesh from broken bone
I can no longer hear their demented voices, drowning in boiling crimson seas
Adrenalin throbs, quickening
Tightening to blessed bursting relief
Death rises on hollow wings to greet me
Drawing the dark edges closer, following my fevered footsteps
With salivating jaws it calls gently to me, I no longer hear a sound
Save the guttered gurgle of those lain before me
Friday, 2 April 2010
The things that Amy says
I was discussing the weather with Amy when I asked her why she was wearing a long sleeved top today, fully expecting the answer to be, because it's chilly outside. 'So I can wipe my nose?' asked Amy
Talking about lightening during a storm. 'I don't want the lightening to come in through the window and poke me with it's sharp jabby bit.'
We need to fly my kite somewhere where there aren't trees, like outer space!